
Suggestion removed / documentsSpanish

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## ¿Quién debería registrarse en

**** se creó originalmente para videojuegos independientes pero almacena
un gran rango de contenido creativo digital. Para comprar algo no se necesita una
cuenta, aunque es recomendado.

### ¡Quiero jugar a juegos!

Aunque no es necesario registrarse, crearte una cuenta te dará acceso a la creación
de colecciones con tus favoritos y futuros favoritos. Si ya has comprado algo en
**** puedes enlazar esas comprar a tu cuenta para mantenerlas organizadas.

### ¡Soy un desarrollador/creador!

¡Genial! **** está diseñado para que todo tipo de creativos puedan distribuir
su trabajo de la manera más fácil. Si estás vendiendo tu contenido puedes empezar
desde este mismo momento. Una cuenta también te deja subir juegos a las
múltiples jams que **** organiza.
2 years ago

Translation changed / documentsSpanish

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## ¿Quién debería registrarse en

**** fue creado originalmente para videojuegos independientes pero hospeda un amplio
rango de contenido digital creativo. Si vas a comprar algo, una cuenta es
opcional, pero recomendada.

### ¡Quiero jugar videojuegos!

Aunque no se requiere registro, crear una cuenta te dará la
opción de crear colecciones de tus favoritos. Si
has comprado algo en **** puedes incluso vincular esas compras a tu
cuenta para llevar un seguimiento.

### ¡Soy un desarrollador/creador!

¡Estupendo! **** está diseñado para que contenido creativo de todo tipo se
distribuya lo más fácilmente posible. Si vas a vender tu contenido, puedes
empezar en el momento. Una cuenta también te permite subir juegos a las diversas game
jams hospedadas en ****.
2 years ago

Suggestion accepted / documentsSpanish

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## ¿Quién debería registrarse en

**** sfue creóado originalmente para videojuegos independientes pero almacena
un gran
hospeda un amplio
rango de contenido creativo digital. Para comprar algo no se necesita una
cuenta, aunque es
digital creativo. Si vas a comprar algo, una cuenta es
opcional, pero

### ¡Quiero jugar a videojuegos!

Aunque no es necesariose requiere registrarseo, crearte una cuenta te dará acceso a la creala
de crear colecciones conde tus favoritos y futuros favoritos. Si ya . Si
has comprado algo en
**** puedes enlazincluso vincular esas comprars a tu
cuenta para mantenerlas organizadasllevar un seguimiento.

### ¡Soy un desarrollador/creador!

¡GenialEstupendo! **** está diseñado para que todo tipo de creativos puedan distribuir
su trabajo de la manera más fácil. Si estás vendiendo
contenido creativo de todo tipo se
distribuya lo más fácilmente posible. Si vas a vender
tu contenido, puedes
desde este mismo
en el momento. Una cuenta también te dejapermite subir juegos a las
múltiples jams que
diversas game
jams hospedadas en
**** organiza.
2 years ago

Suggestion removed / documentsSpanish

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
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2 years ago

Committed changes / documentsItalian

Committed changes 2 years ago

Translation changed / documentsItalian

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## Chi dovrebbe registrarsi a

**** è stato creato per i videogiochi indipendenti, ma ora ospita una vasta
gamma di contenuti digitali creativi. Se desideri comprare qualcosa, avere
un' account è opzionale, ma raccomandato.

### Voglio giocare ai giochi!

Anche se la registrazione non è richiesta, creare un' account ti offrirà la
possibilità di creare collezioni dei tuoi preferiti e dei futuri preferiti.
Se hai già comprato qualcosa su **** puoi anche collegarlo al tuo
account per tenerne traccia.

### Sono uno sviluppatore/creatore!

Ottimo! **** è progettato per i creativi di ogni tipo, per distribuire
velocemente le loro creazioni il più facilmente possibile. Se stai vendendo il tuo
contenuto puoi cominciare fin da subito. Inoltre, un account ti permette di iscrivere
il tuo gioco ad una delle varie game jam ospitate su ****.
2 years ago

Translation changed / documentsItalian

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## Chi dovrebbe registrarsi a

**** è stato creato per i videogiochi indipendenti, ma ora ospita una vasta
gamma di contenuti digitali creativi. Se desideri comprare qualcosa, avere
un'account è
opzionale, ma raccomandato.

### Voglio giocare ai giochi!

Anche se la registrazione non è richiesta, creare un'account ti offrirà la
possibilità di creare collezioni dei tuoi preferiti e dei futuri preferiti.
Se hai già comprato qualcosa su **** puoi anche collegarlo al tuo
account per tenerne traccia.

### Sono uno sviluppatore/creatore!

Ottimo! **** è progettato per i creativi di ogni tipo, per distribuire
velocemente le loro creazioni il più facilmente possibile. Se stai vendendo il tuo
contenuto puoi cominciare fin da subito. Inoltre, un account ti permette di iscrivere
il tuo gioco ad una delle varie game jam ospitate su ****.
2 years ago

Translation changed / documentsItalian

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## Chi dovrebbe registrarsi a

**** fu creato originariamenteè stato creato per i videogiochi indipendenti, ma ora ospita una vasta
gamma di contenuti digitali creativi. Se desideri comprare qualcosa, un'account è
opzionale, ma raccomandato.

### Voglio giocare ai giochi!

Anche se la registrazione non è richiesta, creare un'account ti offrirà la
possibilità di creare collezioni dei tuoi preferiti e dei futuri preferiti.
hai già comprato qualcosa su **** puoi anche collegarlo al tuo
account per tenerne traccia.

### Sono uno sviluppatore/creatore!

Ottimo! **** è progettato per i creativi di ogni tipo, per distribuire
velocemente le loro creazioni il più facilmente possibile. Se stai vendendo il tuo
contenuto puoi cominciare fin da subito. Inoltre, un account ti permette di iscrivere
il tuo gioco ad una delle varie game jam ospitate su ****.
2 years ago

Translation changed / documentsItalian

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## Chi dovrebbe registrarsi a

**** fu creato originariamente per i videogiochi indipendenti ma ospita una vasta
gamma di contenuti digitali creativi. Se desideri comprare qualcosa un'account è
opzionale, ma raccomandato.

### Voglio giocare ai giochi!

Anche se la registrazione non è richiesta, creare un'account ti offrirà la
possibilità di creare collezioni dei tuoi preferiti e dei futuri preferiti. Se
avevihai già comprato qualcosa su **** puoi persinoanche collegare quegli acquistilo al tuo
account per tenerne la loro traccia.

### Sono uno sviluppatore/creatore!

Ottimo! **** è progettato per i creativi di ogni tipo, per distribuire
velocemente ile loro lavoricreazioni il più facilmente possibile. Se stai vendendo il tuo
contenuto puoi
cominciare fin da subito. Inoltre un account ti permette di inviare giochi ascrivere
il tuo gioco ad una de
lle varie
game jams ospitatie su ****.
2 years ago

New contributor / documentsItalian

New contributor 2 years ago

New alert / documents

Repository has changes. 2 years ago

Committed changes / documentsRomanian

Committed changes 2 years ago

Translation changed / documentsRomanian

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## Cine ar trebui să se înregistreze pe

**** a fost creat inițial pentru jocuri video independente, dar găzduiește o gamă larglargă
ă de conținut digital creativ. Dacă cumpărațeri ceva, un cont este
opțtional, dar recomandat.

### Vreau să joc jocuri!

Deși înregistrarea nu este necesară, crearea unui cont vă va oferi posi
bilitatea de a crea colecții de favorite și în curând să devenițicu preferatele tale și care vor fi în curând favorite. Dacă
ați cumpărat oriceva de pe ****, puteți chiar să conectlegați acele achiziții la dvs
contul dvs. pentru a le urmări.

### Sunt dezvoltator/creator!

Grozav! **** este conceput pentru tipurile creative de toate tipurile, pentru a rapid
-și distribui rapide munca cât mai ușor posibil. Dacă îți vinzi conținutul, poțitu
începe imediat. De asemenea, uUn cont vă permite, de asemenea, să trimiteți jocuri la diferitele jocuri
găzduite pe ****.
2 years ago

New translation / documentsRomanian

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## Cine ar trebui să se înregistreze pe

**** a fost creat inițial pentru jocuri video independente, dar găzduiește o gamă largă de conținut digital creativ. Dacă cumpărați ceva, un cont este opțional, dar recomandat.

### Vreau să joc jocuri!

Deși înregistrarea nu este necesară, crearea unui cont vă va oferi posibilitatea de a crea colecții de favorite și în curând să deveniți favorite. Dacă ați cumpărat ceva de pe ****, puteți chiar să conectați acele achiziții la contul dvs. pentru a le urmări.

### Sunt dezvoltator/creator!

Grozav! **** este conceput pentru tipurile creative de toate tipurile, pentru a-și distribui rapid munca cât mai ușor posibil. Dacă îți vinzi conținutul, poți începe imediat. De asemenea, un cont vă permite să trimiteți jocuri la diferitele jocuri găzduite pe ****.
2 years ago

New contributor / documentsRomanian

New contributor 2 years ago

Committed changes / documentsHebrew

Committed changes 2 years ago

Translation changed / documentsHebrew

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## מי צריך להירשם ל

**** נוצר במקור עבור משחקי וידאו עצמאיים אך מפיץ מגוון רחב
של תוכן דיגיטלי יצירתי. אם אתם קונים משהו חשבון הוא
אופציונלי, אבל מומלץ.

### אנחנו רוצים לשחק משחקים!

למרות שאין צורך ברישום, יצירת חשבון תעניק לך את
היכולת ליצור אוספים של העבודות המועדפות שלך וה"בקרוב-להיות-מועדפים". אם
קניתם כל דבר שהוא ב, אתם יכולים אפילו לקשר את הרכישות שלכם
לחשבון כדי לעקוב אחריהם.

### אננחו מפתחים/יוצרים!

מצוין! מיועד להפצת תוכן יצירתי מכל הסוגים במהירות
ובקלות האפשרית. אם אתם מוכרים את התוכן שלכם אתם
יכולים להתחיל מיד. חשבון מאפשר לך גם להפיץ משחקים בכנסי המשחקים השונים שנערכים ב
2 years ago

Suggestion accepted / documentsHebrew

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## מי צריך להירשם ל

**** נוצר במקור עבור משחקי וידאו עצמאיים אך מפיץ מגוון רחב
של תוכן דיגיטלי יצירתי. אם אתם קונים משהו חשבון הוא
אופציונלי, אבל מומלץ.

### אנחנו רוצים לשחק משחקים!

למרות שאין צורך ברישום, יצירת חשבון תעניק לך את
היכולת ליצור אוספים של העבודות המועדפות שלך וה"בקרוב-להיות-מועדפים". אם
קניתם כל דבר שהוא ב, אתם יכולים אפילו לקשר את הרכישות שלכם
לחשבון כדי לעקוב אחריהם.

### אננחו מפתחים/יוצרים!

מצוין! מיועד להפצת תוכן יצירתי מכל הסוגים במהירות
ובקלות האפשרית. אם אתם מוכרים את התוכן שלכם אתם
יכולים להתחיל מיד. חשבון מאפשר לך גם להפיץ משחקים בכנסי המשחקים השונים שנערכים ב
2 years ago

Marked for edit / documentsHebrew

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## מי צריך להירשם ל

**** נוצר במקור עבור משחקי וידאו עצמאיים אך מפיץ מגוון רחב
של תוכן דיגיטלי יצירתי. אם אתם קונים משהו חשבון הוא
אופציונלי, אבל מומלץ.

### אנחנו רוצים לשחק משחקים!

למרות שאין צורך ברישום, יצירת חשבון תעניק לך את
היכולת ליצור אוספים של העבודות המועדפות שלך וה"בקרוב-להיות-מועדפים". אם
קניתם כל דבר שהוא ב, אתם יכולים אפילו לקשר את הרכישות שלכם
לחשבון כדי לעקוב אחריהם.

### אננחו מפתחים/יוצרים!

מצוין! מיועד להפצת תוכן יצירתי מכל הסוגים במהירות
ובקלות האפשרית. אם אתם מוכרים את התוכן שלכם אתם
יכולים להתחיל מיד. חשבון מאפשר לך גם להפיץ משחקים בכנסי המשחקים השונים שנערכים ב
2 years ago

New contributor / documentsHebrew

New contributor 2 years ago
