
Committed changes / documentsItalian

Committed changes 3 days ago
## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## Chi dovrebbe registrarsi su

**** è stato originariamente creato per i videogiochi indipendenti ma ospita un'ampia
gamma di contenuti digitali creativi. Se state acquistando qualcosa, un account è
facoltativo, ma consigliato.

### Voglio giocare!

Anche se la registrazione non è obbligatoria, la creazione di un account vi darà la possibilità di
creare collezioni dei vostri giochi preferiti e di quelli che presto lo saranno. Se
Se hai acquistato qualcosa su **** puoi anche collegare gli acquisti al tuo account per tenerne traccia.
account per tenerne traccia.

### Sono uno sviluppatore/creatore!

Fantastico! **** è stato progettato per i creativi di tutti i tipi per distribuire velocemente
distribuire il proprio lavoro nel modo più semplice possibile. Se vendi i tuoi contenuti puoi
puoi iniziare subito. Un account vi permette anche di inviare giochi alle varie game
giochi ospitati su ****.
3 days ago

Translation changed / documentsItalian

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## Chi dovrebbe registrarsi asu

**** è stato originariamente creato per i videogiochi indipendenti, ma ora ospita una vast'ampia
gamma di contenuti digitali creativi. Se desideri comprarestate acquistando qualcosa, avere
un account è opzionale, ma raccomand
facoltativo, ma consigli

### Voglio giocare ai giochi!

Anche se la registrazione non è richiesta, creareobbligatoria, la creazione di un account tvi offridarà la
possibilità di
creare collezioni dei tuovostri giochi preferiti e dei futuri preferiti.
Se hai già comprato qualcosa su **** puoi anche collegarlo al tuo
quelli che presto lo saranno. Se
Se hai acquistato qualcosa su **** puoi anche collegare gli acquisti al tuo account per tenerne traccia.

account per tenerne traccia.

### Sono uno sviluppatore/creatore!

OtFantastimco! **** è stato progettato per i creativi di ogntutti i tipo,i per distribuire
velocemente le loro creazioni il più facilment
distribuire il proprio lavoro nel modo più semplic
e possibile. Se stai vendendovendi il tuo
i contenutoi puoi cominciare fin da subito. Inoltre, u
puoi iniziare subito. U
n account tvi permette di iscrivere
il tuo gioco ad una de
anche di inviare giochi alle varie game jam
ospitatei su ****.
3 days ago
New contributor 3 days ago

Committed changes / documentsJapanese

Committed changes 5 days ago

Suggestion accepted / documentsJapanese

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## itch.ioに登録するのは誰?





素晴らしい! ****はありとあらゆるクリエイティブな作品を素早く簡単に配信できるように創られております。作品を販売したければすぐにそれを始められます。アカウントをお持ちでしたら、作品を****で開催された様々なゲームジャムに申請して参加することができます。
5 days ago

New contributor / documentsJapanese

New contributor 5 days ago

Suggestion added / documentsSpanish

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
<a href=>cialis 20mg price</a> Significant interaction antagonism when TAM and 3 BP where combined using factorial design
3 weeks ago

New string to translate / documentsNepali

New string to translate a month ago

Committed changes / documentsNepali

Committed changes a month ago

Resource update / documentsNepali

Resource update a month ago

Committed changes / documentsGerman

Committed changes a month ago

Translation changed / documentsGerman

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## Wer sollte sich auf registrieren?

**** wurde ursprünglich für unabhängige Spiele kreiert, verfügt jedoch über
ein weites Spektrum an kreativem, digitalen Inhalt. Falls du etwas kaufen möchtest,
ist ein Account nicht zwingend notwendig, jedoch empfehlenswert.

### Ich möchte Spiele spielen!

Obwohl die Registrierung keine Notwendigkeit ist, bringt das Erstellen eines Accounts
den Vorteil, dass du Sammlungen deiner Favoriten und künftigen Favoriten erstellen
kannst. Falls du etwas auf **** gekauft hast, kannst du die Käufe sogar
mit deinem Account verbinden, um den Überblick zu behalten.

### Ich bin EntwicklerIn/ErstellerIn!

Toll! **** wurde entworfen, damit kreative Leute aller Art schnell und so einfach
wie möglich ihre Arbeit veröffentlichen können. Falls du vorhast, deinen Inhalt zu
verkaufen, kannst du sofort loslegen. Ein Account bringt außerdem den Vorteil, dass
damit an verschiedenen Game Jams auf **** teilgenommen werden kann.
a month ago

New contributor / documentsGerman

New contributor a month ago

Committed changes / documentsGreek

Committed changes 2 months ago

Translation changed / documentsGreek

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## Ποιος πρέπει να κάνει εγγραφή στο;

Το **** δημιουργήθηκε αρχικά για ανεξάρτητα βιντεοπαιχνίδια, αλλά φιλοξενεί ένα ευρύ φάσμα
δημιουργικού ψηφιακού περιεχομένου. Αν αγοράζετε κάτι, ένας λογαριασμός είναι
προαιρετικός, αλλά συνιστάται.

### Θέλω να παίξω παιχνίδια!

Αν και δεν απαιτείται εγγραφή, η δημιουργία ενός λογαριασμού θα σας δώσει τη δυνατότητα
δημιουργίας συλλογών με τα αγαπημένα σας και τα μελλοντικά σας αγαπημένα παιχνίδια. Εάν
έχετε αγοράσει οτιδήποτε στο ****, μπορείτε να συνδέσετε αυτές τις αγορές με το
λογαριασμό σας για να τις παρακολουθείτε.

### Είμαι ένας προγραμματιστής/δημιουργός!

Υπέροχα! Το **** έχει σχεδιαστεί για δημιουργικούς τύπους όλων των ειδών για να
διανέμουν το έργο τους όσο το δυνατόν πιο εύκολα. Αν πουλάτε το περιεχόμενό σας
μπορείτε να ξεκινήσετε αμέσως. Ένας λογαριασμός σας επιτρέπει επίσης να υποβάλλετε παιχνίδια σταους διάφοραους διαγωνισμούς παιχνίιδια
ών (game jams) που φιλοξενούνται στο ****.
2 months ago

New contributor / documentsGreek

New contributor 2 months ago

New string to translate / documentsAfrikaans

New string to translate 2 months ago

Committed changes / documentsAfrikaans

Committed changes 2 months ago

Resource update / documentsAfrikaans

Resource update 2 months ago
