
Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

We'll restore {{title}} to the latest version the next time you try to use it.
Obnovíme {{title}} do nejnovější verze při dalším použití.
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

We'll restore {{title}} to the latest version the next time you try to use it.
Při příštím spuštění obnovíme {{title}} do poslední verze.
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

We'll restore {{title}} to the latest version the next time you try to use it.
Při příštím použití obnovíme položku {{title}} na poslední verzi.
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

Stopping this download will leave {{title}} in an inconsistent state.
Zastavením stahování zanecháte {{title}} v nestabilním stavu.
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

Stopping this download will leave {{title}} in an inconsistent state.
Zastavení stahování zanechá {{title}} v nepoužitelném stavu.
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

Stopping this download will leave {{title}} in an inconsistent state.
Zastavení tohoto stahování zanechá {{title}} v neúplném stavu.
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

Continue download
Pokračovat ve stahování
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

Continue download
Pokračovat ve stažení
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

Stop download
Přestat stahovat
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

You'll be able to install {{title}} again anytime, but it will start from scratch.
Bude moci stáhnout {{title}} kdykoliv, ale budete muset začít od začátku.
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

You'll be able to install {{title}} again anytime, but it will start from scratch.
Budete moct stáhnout {{title}} znova kdykoliv, ale budete muset začít od začátku.
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

You'll be able to install {{title}} again anytime, but it will start from scratch.
Budete moct stáhnout {{title}} znovu kdykoliv, ale od začátku.
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

You'll be able to install {{title}} again anytime, but it will start from scratch.
Můžete si kdykoliv znovu stáhnout {{title}}, ale bude se stahovat od začátku.
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

You'll be able to install {{title}} again anytime, but it will start from scratch.
{{title}} budete schopni kdykoliv znovu instalovat, ale instalace začne od začátku.
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

You'll be able to install {{title}} again anytime, but it will start from scratch.
Budete moct nainstalovat {{title}} kdykoliv, ale začne to od znovu.
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

You'll be able to install {{title}} again anytime, but it will start from scratch.
Kdykoli budete moci nainstalovat {{title}} znovu, ale začne se od nuly.
a year ago

Suggestion added

itch.io / desktop appCzech

Are you sure you want to stop downloading {{title}}?
Jste si jistý, že chcete zastavit stahování {{title}}?
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

Are you sure you want to stop downloading {{title}}?
Jste si jist, že chcete zastavit stahování {{title}}?
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

Are you sure you want to stop downloading {{title}}?
Opravdu zastavit stahování {{title}}?
a year ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / desktop appCzech

Are you sure you want to stop downloading {{title}}?
jste si jisti, že chcete přestat stahovat {{title}}?
a year ago
