
Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Report received
Signalement reçu
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Report page '{{page_title}}'
Signaler la page « {{page_title}} »
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Submit report
Envoyer le signalement
4 years ago

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itch.io / websiteFrench

Email the creator
Envoyer un mail au créateur
4 years ago

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itch.io / websiteFrench

Go to the official support page
Aller à la page de support officielle
4 years ago

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itch.io / websiteFrench

Are you having trouble, do you need support from the creator?
Un problème, besoin de contacter le créateur ?
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Please complete this form if you need to contact the itch.io moderation team about the content of this page. Your report may be shared with the creator of the page if necessary.
Merci de completer ce formulaire si vous voulez contacter l’équipe de modération itch.io à propos du contenu de cette page. Votre signalement peut être partagé avec le créateur de la page si nécessaire.
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

<s>New!</s> Try out itch.io's desktop app to download and manage your library. <a>Learn more</a>
<s>Nouveau !</s> Essayez l’app de bureau itch.io pour télécharger et gérer votre bibliothèque. <a>En savoir plus</a>
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

<s>Powered by</s> {{itchio_logo}}
<s>Propulsé par</s> {{itchio_logo}}
4 years ago

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itch.io / websiteFrench

See everything
Tout voir
4 years ago

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itch.io / websiteFrench

Check out more from itch.io
En voir plus sur itch.io
4 years ago

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itch.io / websiteFrench

View all from jam
Tout voir de la jam
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Check out more from {{jam_title}}
En voir plus de {{jam_title}}
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

The download should start momentarily. If it doesn't, check your popup blocker.
Le téléchargement devrait démarrer dans un instant. Si ce n’est pas le cas, vérifiez votre bloqueur de popup.
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

You can find more from the same creator on their page: {{profile}}.
Vous pouvez trouver plus de contenu produit par ce créateur, sur sa page : {{profile}}.
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Thanks for downloading {{project}} by {{author}}.
Merci d’avoir téléchargé {{project}} de {{author}}.
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Thanks for downloading
Merci d’avoir téléchargé
4 years ago

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itch.io / websiteFrench

Share this project
Partager ce projet
4 years ago

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itch.io / websiteFrench

Rate and comment on this entry for the jam by visiting the submission page from the link above.
Notez et commentez cette soumission en visitant sa page à partir du lien ci-dessus.
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

The jam is currently accepting ratings for entries.
Les soumissions de cette jam sont en cours d’évaluation.
4 years ago
