
Suggestion removed

itch.io / websiteFrench

Created {{project_list}}
{{project_list}} a été créé
4 years ago

Translation changed

itch.io / websiteFrench

itch.io is a simple way to find, download and distribute indie games online. Whether you're a developer looking to upload your game or just someone looking for something new to play itch.io has you covered.
itch.io est un moyen simple de rechercher, télécharger et distribuer des jeux indés en ligne. Que vous vouliez mettre un jeu en ligne ou juste trouver quelque- chose de nouveau auquel jouer, vous êtes au bon endroit.
4 years ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / websiteFrench

itch.io is a simple way to find, download and distribute indie games online. Whether you're a developer looking to upload your game or just someone looking for something new to play itch.io has you covered.
itch.io est un moyen simple de rechercher, télécharger et distribuer des jeux indés en ligne. Que vous souhaitiez mettre un jeu en ligne ou juste trouver quelque-chose de nouveau auquel jouer, vous êtes au bon endroit.
4 years ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / websiteFrench

itch.io is a simple way to find, download and distribute indie games online. Whether you're a developer looking to upload your game or just someone looking for something new to play itch.io has you covered.
itch.io est un moyen simple de rechercher, télécharger et distribuer des jeux indés en ligne. Que vous vouliez mettre un jeu en ligne ou juste trouver quelque chose de nouveau auquel jouer, vous êtes au bon endroit.
4 years ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / websiteFrench

Download the latest indie games
Télécharger les derniers jeux indépendants
4 years ago

Translation changed

itch.io / websiteFrench

Filtering all games to {{platform_name}}
N'afficher que les jeux compatibles avec {{platform_name}}
4 years ago

Committed changes

itch.io / websiteFrench

Committed changes 4 years ago

Committed changes

itch.io / websiteFrench

Committed changes 4 years ago

Suggestion accepted

itch.io / websiteFrench

Filtering all games to {{platform_name}}
N'afficher que les jeux compatibles {{platform_name}}
4 years ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / websiteFrench

Filtering all games to {{platform_name}}
N'affiche que les jeux {{platform_name}}
4 years ago

Translation changed

itch.io / websiteFrench

Game Dev Resources <1>On Sale</1>
Ressources pour les développeurs de jeux <1>Een Ssolde</1>
4 years ago

Committed changes

itch.io / websiteFrench

Committed changes 4 years ago

Committed changes

itch.io / websiteFrench

Committed changes 4 years ago

Suggestion accepted

itch.io / websiteFrench

Game Dev Resources <1>On Sale</1>
Ressources pour Game Devles développeurs de jeux <1>En Solde</1>
4 years ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / websiteFrench

Constantly updating with the latest games on itch.io
Enrichi.e constamment avec les derniers jeux itch.io
4 years ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / websiteFrench

View all jams
Voir toute les jams
4 years ago

Translation changed

itch.io / websiteFrench

Based on things you've purchased, downloaded, and rated
Sur la base de ce que vous avez achetéchats, téléchargé ou évaluéements et évaluations
4 years ago

Committed changes

itch.io / websiteFrench

Committed changes 4 years ago

Committed changes

itch.io / websiteFrench

Committed changes 4 years ago

Committed changes

itch.io / websiteFrench

Committed changes 4 years ago
