
Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Don't lose your purchase!
N'égarez pas votre achat !
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

<1>Create an account</1> or <2>log in to itch.io</2> to instantly link this purchase.
<1>Créer un compte</1> ou <2>Se connecter à itch.io</2> pour lier cet achat instantanément.
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Save this purchase to your account
Enregistrez cet achat dans votre compte
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

You've been gifted {{product_title}}.
Vous avez reçu {{product_title}}.
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Enter your email address to link it to your purchase so you can retrieve it if you ever lose this page.
Entrez votre adresse e-mail pour la lier à votre achat, afin de le retrouver si jamais vous perdez cette page.
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Don't lose your purchase!
N'égarez pas votre achat !
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Access it
Y accéder
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Your access comes with a {{key_type}} key!
Votre accès inclut une clé {{key_type}} !
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Your payment comes with a {{key_type}} key!
Une clé {{key_type}} est fournie avec votre paiement !
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Click the button to claim it.
Cliquez sur le bouton pour la demander.
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Claim {{key_type}} key
Demander une clé {{key_type}}
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Get {{key_type}} key
Obtenir une clé {{key_type}}
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

You can't claim another copy, but you can access your existing one.
Vous ne pouvez pas réclamer une autre copie, mais vous pouvez accéder à celle déjà existante.
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

It looks like you already own this
Il semblerait que vous possédiez déjà ceci
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

You must link this page to an itch.io account before you can download. Accounts are free and will let you keep track of any games you've collected.
Vous devez lier cette page à un compte itch.io avant de pouvoir télécharger. Les comptes sont gratuits et permettent de garder une trace des jeux que vous avez obtenus.
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

You can link this download page to an itch.io account so you never have to worry about losing it. It will show up alongside any other things you own.
Vous pouvez lier cette page de téléchargement à un compte itch.io pour ne jamais la perdre. Elle s'affichera aux côtés des autres fichiers que vous possédez.
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Link this download page to your itch.io account
Lier cette page de téléchargement à votre compte itch.io
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Log in to link
Se connecter pour lier
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

Link my account
Lier mon compte
4 years ago

Translation uploaded

itch.io / websiteFrench

This page is linked to the account {{username}}.
Cette page est liée au compte {{username}}.
4 years ago
