
Your email address has been verified
Key English Swedish State
If you have previously made any purchases with just your email address, they will automatically be associated to your account.
Om du tidigare har köpt något med enbart din e-postadress kommer dessa köp automatiskt att kopplas till ditt konto.
You will automatically be logged into your account after verifying your email address.
Du kommer automatiskt att loggas in på ditt konto efter att du har verifierat din e-postadress.
Verify your email address
Verifiera din e-postadress
Confirm email verification
Bekräfta e-postverifiering
We were unable to verify your email address
Det gick inte att verifiera din e-postadress
Your email address has been verified
Din e-postadress har verifierats
You can not verify an email address when logged into a different account
Du kan inte verifiera en e-postadress när du är inloggad på ett annat konto
Reset Password
Återställ lösenord
Enter the email address you registered with and we will send you a link to reset your password.
Ange e-postadressen du registrerade dig med så skickar vi en länk till dig för att återställa lösenordet.
A password reset link has been sent to your account's primary address.
En länk för återställning av lösenord har skickats till ditt kontos primära adress.
Please provide a new password for the account {{account_name}}.
Skriv in ett nytt lösenord för kontot {{account_name}}.



Translation changed / websiteSwedish

Your email address has been verified
Din email ad-postadress har blivit verifierad.ts
a year ago

Translation changed / websiteSwedish

Your email address has been verified
Din email- address har blivit verifierad.
a year ago

New translation / websiteSwedish

Your email address has been verified
Din email-address har blivit verifierad.
a year ago
Browse all component changes


English Swedish
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
angularjs-format, i18next-interpolation
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/sv.json, string 1122