
Suggestion added

itch.io / websiteCzech

You can change your responses to these questions later, they are used to hint itch.io in how it should present itself to you.
Odpovědi na tyto otázky můžete změnit později, používají se k tomu, aby naznačily jak se vám má itch.io prezentovat.
4 years ago

Suggestion added

itch.io / websiteCzech

Sign me up for the bi-monthly itch.io digest newsletter
Přihlašte mě k odběru itch.io newsletteru, který se odesílá každé dva měsíce
4 years ago

Suggestion added

itch.io / websiteCzech

Please log in or create an account to claim {{title}}.
Prosím přihlašte se nebo si vytvořte účet pro získání {{title}}.
4 years ago

Suggestion added

itch.io / websiteCzech

Please log in or create an account to claim the {{noun}}.
Prosím přihlašte se nebo si vytvořte účet pro získání {{noun}}.
4 years ago

Suggestion added

itch.io / websiteCzech

You'll need an account on itch.io before you can submit to a jam.
Budete potřebovat účet na itch.io než se budete moct zúčastnit game jamu.
4 years ago

Source string changed

itch.io / websiteCzech

Refresh for more...
4 years ago

Committed changes

itch.io / websiteCzech

Committed changes 4 years ago

Suggestion accepted

itch.io / websiteCzech

itch.io is a simple way to find, download and distribute indie games online. Whether you're a developer looking to upload your game or just someone looking for something new to play itch.io has you covered.
itch.io je jednoduchsnadná cesta jak najít, stahovat a distribuovat indie hry online. PokudZda jsi vývojář, který a chceš nahrát svoji hru, nebo si jen chceš najít něco nového nake hraní, itch.io je tu pro tebtak na to itch.io je.
4 years ago

Committed changes

itch.io / websiteCzech

Committed changes 4 years ago

Suggestion accepted

itch.io / websiteCzech

I'm interested in playing or downloading games on itch.io
Chci hrát nebo stahovat hry na itch.io
4 years ago

Suggestion accepted

itch.io / websiteCzech

itch.io is a simple way to find, download and distribute indie games online. Whether you're a developer looking to upload your game or just someone looking for something new to play itch.io has you covered.
itch.io je jednoduchá cesta jak najít, stahovat a distributovat indie hry online. Pokud jsi vývojář, který chce nahrát svoji hru nebo si jen chceš najít něco nového na hraní, itch.io je tu pro tebe.
4 years ago

Suggestion added

itch.io / websiteCzech

4 years ago

Suggestion accepted

itch.io / websiteCzech

Don't have an account? <1>Create an account</1>
Nemáš účet? <1>Vytvořit účet</1>
4 years ago

Suggestion accepted

itch.io / websiteCzech

I'm interested in distributing content on itch.io
Chci distribuovat obsah na itch.io
4 years ago

Committed changes

itch.io / websiteCzech

Committed changes 4 years ago

Suggestion accepted

itch.io / websiteCzech

About you
O Vás
4 years ago

Suggestion added

itch.io / websiteCzech

itch.io is a simple way to find, download and distribute indie games online. Whether you're a developer looking to upload your game or just someone looking for something new to play itch.io has you covered.
itch.io je jednoduchá cesta jak najít, stahovat a distribuovat indie hry online. Pokud jsi vývojář, který chce nahrát svoji hru nebo si jen chceš najít něco nového na hraní, itch.io je tu pro tebe.
4 years ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / websiteCzech

Game Dev Resources <1>On Sale</1>
Zdroje pro vývoj her
4 years ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / websiteCzech

Log out
4 years ago

Suggestion removed

itch.io / websiteCzech

4 years ago
