
Review the information below to make sure you're comfortable with it being sent:
Key English Danish State
Be as precise as you can. We want to address the issue as much as you do!
Vær så præcis som du kan. Vi vil have problemet løst lige så meget som du vil!
Include steps to reproduce the issue if you can.
Inkluder trin til at genskabe problemet hvis du kan.
Mention your account name and/or the page that was giving you trouble, if relevant.
Nævn dit og/eller siden der skabte problemer, hvis det er relevant.
Thanks for sending us feedback!
Tak fordi du sendte os feedback!
Where does my report go?
Hvor ender min rapport henne?
Review the information below to make sure you're comfortable with it being sent:
Gennemse informationen nedenfor for at være sikker på du er okay med det bliver sendt:
Having a rough idea of your setup often helps us identify the source of an issue.
Det hjælper os at have en idé om dit systemsetup.
Include this information in the report
Inkluder denne information i rapporten
A secret URL will be generated for your report.
En hemmelig URL bliver genereret for din rapport.
From that page, you will be able to:
Fra dén side, kan du:


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English Danish
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Screenshot context
No labels currently set.
Source string age
6 years ago
Translation file
locales/da.json, string 565