
New email address
Key English Slovak State
Your account currently doesn't have a password because you registered with {{service_name}}.
Váš účet momentálne nemá heslo, pretože ste sa prihlásili cez službu {{service_name}}.
Your account currently doesn't have a password.
Váš účet momentálne nemá heslo.
Please set a password on your account for improved security and ability to access your account without any third-party services.
Primary email
Hlavný email
Your primary email address: {{email}}
Vaša hlavná emailová adresa: {{email}}
New email address
Nová emailová adresa
Current password
Súčasné heslo
Your primary email is where will send any notifications to you.
Upozornenia z budú odosielané na Vašu hlavné mailovú adresu.
When you change your email address you must verify it to access any games you have purchased. You will be mailed the verification instructions. For security reasons you must also provide your current password to make any changes to your email address.
Additional emails
Dodatočné emaily
You can link additional email addresses to your account in order to get access to anything purchased under those email addresses. For example, your PayPal email address might be different than your regular email address so you'd want to add it as an additional email.
Key English Slovak State
You will be mailed verification instructions after adding an additional email.
Po pridaní dodatočného emailu Vám budú Vám zaslané pokyny k overeniu.
resend verification email
znovu zaslať overovací email
You can link additional email addresses to your account in order to get access to anything purchased under those email addresses. For example, your PayPal email address might be different than your regular email address so you'd want to add it as an additional email.
Current password
Súčasné heslo
New email address
Nová emailová adresa
When you change your email address you must verify it to access any games you have purchased. You will be mailed the verification instructions. For security reasons you must also provide your current password to make any changes to your email address.
Your primary email is where will send any notifications to you.
Upozornenia z budú odosielané na Vašu hlavné mailovú adresu.
Primary email
Hlavný email
Your primary email address: {{email}}
Vaša hlavná emailová adresa: {{email}}



New translation / websiteSlovak

New email address
Nová emailová adresa
2 years ago
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English Slovak
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
angularjs-format, i18next-interpolation
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
locales/sk.json, string 686