## Who should register on itch.io? **itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is optional, but recommended. ### I want to play games! Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your account to keep track of them. ### I'm a developer/creator! Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game jams hosted on **itch.io**.
## Who should register on itch.io? **itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is optional, but recommended. ### I want to play games! Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your account to keep track of them. ### I'm a developer/creator! Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game jams hosted on **itch.io**.
## Who should register on itch.io? **itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is optional, but recommended. ### I want to play games! Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your account to keep track of them. ### I'm a developer/creator! Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game jams hosted on **itch.io**.
## Who should register on itch.io? **itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is optional, but recommended. ### I want to play games! Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your account to keep track of them. ### I'm a developer/creator! Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game jams hosted on **itch.io**.
## Who should register on itch.io? **itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is optional, but recommended. ### I want to play games! Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your account to keep track of them. ### I'm a developer/creator! Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game jams hosted on **itch.io**.
## Who should register on itch.io? **itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is optional, but recommended. ### I want to play games! Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your account to keep track of them. ### I'm a developer/creator! Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game jams hosted on **itch.io**.
## Who should register on itch.io? **itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is optional, but recommended. ### I want to play games! Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your account to keep track of them. ### I'm a developer/creator! Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game jams hosted on **itch.io**.
## Kinek kellene regisztrálni az itch.io-ra? Az **itch.io** eredetileg a független videójátékok létrehozására hozták létre, de különféle kreatív digitális tartalmat is kínál. Ha szeretnél valamit vásárolni, a fiók létrehozása nem kötelező, de ajánlott. ### Szeretnék játszani! Habár a regisztráció nem kötelező, a fiók létrehozásával kollekciókat tudsz alkotni a kedvenc vagy hamarosan kedvenccé váló játékokkal. Ha valaha is vettél bármit itt az **itch.io**.-n, hozzá tudod kötni azt a fiókodhoz. ### Fejlesztő / tartalomgyártó vagyok! Szuper! Az **itch.io**-t a kreatív embereknek tervezték, hogy könnyedén és minél hamarabb megoszthassák a munkájukat. Ha szeretnéd a tartalmaidat eladni, itt elkezdheted. Egy fiókkal a játékaidat különféle game jamekre is beküldheted, amiket itt, az **itch.io**-n rendezünk meg.
## Who should register on itch.io? **itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is optional, but recommended. ### I want to play games! Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your account to keep track of them. ### I'm a developer/creator! Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game jams hosted on **itch.io**.
## Kinek kellene regisztrálni az itch.io-ra? Az **itch.io** eredetileg a független videójátékok létrehozására hozták létre, de különféle kreatív digitális tartalmat is kínál. Ha szeretnél valamit vásárolni, a fiók létrehozása nem kötelező, de ajánlott. ### Szeretnék játszani! Habár a regisztráció nem kötelező, a fiók létrehozásával kollekciókat tudsz alkotni a kedvenc vagy hamarosan kedvenccé váló játékokkal. Ha valaha is vettél bármit itt az **itch.io**.-n, hozzá tudod kötni azt a fiókodhoz. ### Fejlesztő / tartalomgyártó vagyok! Szuper! Az **itch.io**-t a kreatív embereknek tervezték, hogy könnyedén és minél hamarabb megoszthassák a munkájukat. Ha szeretnéd a tartalmaidat eladni, itt elkezdheted. Egy fiókkal a játékaidat különféle game jamekre is beküldheted, amiket itt, az **itch.io**-n rendezünk meg.
## Who should register on itch.io? **itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is optional, but recommended. ### I want to play games! Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your account to keep track of them. ### I'm a developer/creator! Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game jams hosted on **itch.io**.
## Qui devrait s'inscrire sur itch.io? **itch.io** a été originellement créé pour les jeux vidéos indépendants mais héberge beaucoup de contenu créatif digital. Si vous achetez quelque chose un compte est recommandé, mais optionnel. ### Je veut jouer à des jeux! Bien que l'inscription n'est pas nécessaire, créer un compte va vous donner la possibilité de créer des collections de vos favoris et de vos prochains favoris. Si vous avez acheté quoi un produit sur **itch.io** vous pouvez relier vos achats vers votre compte afin d'en garder une trace. ### Je suis un développeur/créateur! Super! **itch.io** est créé pour que les personnes créatifs de toutes sortes puissent rapidement distribuer leur travail de la manière la plus facile. Si vous vendez du contenu vous pouvez commencer immédiatement. Un compte vous permet également de soumettre vos jeux aux différentes "game jams" hébergé sur **itch.io**.
## Who should register on itch.io? **itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is optional, but recommended. ### I want to play games! Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your account to keep track of them. ### I'm a developer/creator! Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game jams hosted on **itch.io**.
## Kes registreeriks itch.io-i? **itch.io** oli algselt tehtud iseseisvate mängude jaoks aga ka võõrustab lai valikuid loomingulisi digitaalseid sisusi. Kui sa ostad midagi siis konto on valikuline, aga soovitatud. ### Ma tahan mängida mänge! Kuigi registreerimine pole nõutud, konto loomine annab sulle võime moodustada kollektsioone sinu lemmikutest ja varsti lemmikutest asjadest. Kui sa oled ostnud midagi **itch.io-ist** siis saad sa isegi ühendada neid oste oma kontole et, neid jälgida. ### Ma olen tegija! Hästi! **itch.io** on kujundatud igasugustele loominguliste tüüpidele et, oma töid kähku ja kergelt levitada. Kui sa müüd oma asju, siis saad sa alustada otsekohe. Konto lubab sul ka esitada oma mänge mitmesuguliste mängu džemmides võõrustatud **itch.io-is**.
## Who should register on itch.io? **itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is optional, but recommended. ### I want to play games! Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your account to keep track of them. ### I'm a developer/creator! Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game jams hosted on **itch.io**.
## Kes peaksid registreeruma saidil itch.io?? **itch.io** loodi algselt iseseisvate videomängude jaoks aga sisaldab ka laias valikus loomingulist digitaalset sisu. Juhul kui te ostate saidilt, on konto valikuline, kui soovituslik. ### Ma tahan mängida videomänge! Kuigi registreerimine pole vajalik, annab konto loomine teile võimaluse luua oma lemmikute kogu ja peagi lemmikuteks lisatavad. Kui olete saidilt **itch.io** midagi ostnud siis on teil võimalus seostada need ostud enda kontoga, et need hiljem oleksid kättesaadavad. ### Olen arendaja/looja! Suurepärane **itch.io** on kujundatud viisil, mis toob kokku igat tüüpi loomingulisi loojaid, kes soovivad oma loomingut kergelt ja vaevatult edastada. Kui sa müüd oma sisu on sul võimalus alustada sellega kohe. Konto laseb ka sul alati videomänge esitada erinevatel džemmidel, mis on majutatud meie saidil **itch.io**.
**itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.
### I want to play games!
Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.
### I'm a developer/creator!
Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on **itch.io**.