
You should have also received an email with a link to this page. If you ever lose the URL for this page you can request it to be emailed to you from the <a>support page</a>.
Key English Czech State
Thank you for purchasing {{product_title}} by {{author}}.
Děkujeme za váš nákup {{product_title}} od {{author}}.
Thank you for donating to {{product_title}}.
Děkujeme za váš dar za {{product_title}}.
Thank you for donating to {{product_title}} by {{author}}.
Děkujeme za váš dar za {{product_title}} od {{author}}.
This page has a unique URL for your payment.
Tato stránka má unikátní URL pro platbu.
You can always access the latest files from this page.
Vždy můžete přistupovat k nejnovějším souborům na této stránce.
You should have also received an email with a link to this page. If you ever lose the URL for this page you can request it to be emailed to you from the <a>support page</a>.
Měli byste též obdržet mail s odkazem na tuto stránku. Pokud někdy ztratíte URL této stránky, můžete si o ni požádat mailem ze <a>stránky podpory</a>.
You paid for this on {{payment_date}} for {{payment_price}}.
Za toto jste zaplatili dne {{payment_date}} částku {{payment_price}}.
You paid for this on {{payment_date}} for {{payment_price}} with the email {{email_address}}.
Za toto jste zaplatili dne {{payment_date}} částku {{payment_price}} s mailem {{email_address}}.
{{percent}}% off
o {{percent}}% zlevněno
This purchase is linked to the account {{username}}.
Tento nákup je vázán na účet {{username}}.
Hosted by {{hosts}}
Pořádají {{hosts}}
Key English Czech State
<1>Create an account</1> or <2>log in to</2> to instantly link this purchase.
Don't lose your purchase!
You paid for this on {{payment_date}} for {{payment_price}}.
Za toto jste zaplatili dne {{payment_date}} částku {{payment_price}}.
You paid for this on {{payment_date}} for {{payment_price}} with the email {{email_address}}.
Za toto jste zaplatili dne {{payment_date}} částku {{payment_price}} s mailem {{email_address}}.
{{percent}}% off
o {{percent}}% zlevněno
You should have also received an email with a link to this page. If you ever lose the URL for this page you can request it to be emailed to you from the <a>support page</a>.
Měli byste též obdržet mail s odkazem na tuto stránku. Pokud někdy ztratíte URL této stránky, můžete si o ni požádat mailem ze <a>stránky podpory</a>.
Save this purchase to your account
Thank you for donating to {{product_title}}.
Děkujeme za váš dar za {{product_title}}.
Thank you for donating to {{product_title}} by {{author}}.
Děkujeme za váš dar za {{product_title}} od {{author}}.
Thank you for purchasing {{product_title}}.
Děkujeme za váš nákup {{product_title}}.



New translation / websiteCzech

You should have also received an email with a link to this page. If you ever lose the URL for this page you can request it to be emailed to you from the <a>support page</a>.
Měli byste též obdržet mail s odkazem na tuto stránku. Pokud někdy ztratíte URL této stránky, můžete si o ni požádat mailem ze <a>stránky podpory</a>.
11 months ago
Browse all component changes


English Czech
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
angularjs-format, i18next-interpolation
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
locales/cs.json, string 784