
Translation changed

itch.io / websiteSpanish

You'll pick an email to send gift to after you've paid.
Elegirás un correo electrónico al que enviar el regalo después de haber pagado.
9 months ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteSpanish

You provide a link to the file and we'll keep track of how many times it's been downloaded
Usted proporciona un enlace al archivo y realizaremos un seguimiento de cuántas veces se ha descargado
9 months ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteSpanish

This submission is disqualified
Esta presentación está descalificada
9 months ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteSpanish

Delete Account
Borrar cuenta
9 months ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteSpanish

{{count}} results
{{count}} resultados
9 months ago

Translation changed

itch.io / websiteSpanish

You'll pick an email to send gift to after you've paid.
Deberás introducir un email al que llegará tuElegirás un correo electrónico al que enviar el regalo después de haber pagardo
9 months ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteSpanish

({{count}} edits)
({{count}} ediciones)
9 months ago

New contributor

itch.io / websiteSpanish

New contributor 9 months ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteChinese (zh)

You provide a link to the file and we'll keep track of how many times it's been downloaded
9 months ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteChinese (zh)

This submission is disqualified
9 months ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteChinese (zh)

Rated by {{count}} people so far
到目前为止已有 {{count}} 人评分
9 months ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteChinese (zh)

Ranked from <s>{{count}} ratings</s>.
9 months ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteChinese (zh)

Delete Account
9 months ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteChinese (zh)

{{count}} results
{{count}} 个结果
9 months ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteChinese (zh)

({{count}} edits)
({{count}} 次编辑)
9 months ago

New contributor

itch.io / websiteChinese (zh)

New contributor 9 months ago

Translation changed

itch.io / documentsEstonian

## Who should register on itch.io?

**itch.io** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **itch.io** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **itch.io** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on **itch.io**.
## Kes peaksid registreeruma saidil itch.io??

**itch.io** loodi algselt iseseisvate videomängude jaoks aga sisaldab ka laias valikus
loomingulist digitaalset sisu. Juhul kui te ostate saidilt, on konto valikuline, kui soovituslik.

### Ma tahan mängida videomänge!

Kuigi registreerimine pole vajalik, annab konto loomine teile võimaluse
luua oma lemmikute kogu ja peagi lemmikuteks lisatavad. Kui
olete saidilt **itch.io** midagi ostnud siis on teil võimalus seostada need ostud
enda kontoga, et need hiljem oleksid kättesaadavad.

### Olen arendaja/looja!

Suurepärane **itch.io** on kujundatud viisil, mis toob kokku igat tüüpi loomingulisi
loojaid, kes soovivad oma loomingut kergelt ja vaevatult edastada. Kui sa müüd oma
sisu on sul võimalus alustada sellega kohe. Konto laseb ka sul alati videomänge esitada
erinevatel džemmidel, mis on majutatud meie saidil **itch.io**.
9 months ago

New contributor

itch.io / documentsEstonian

New contributor 9 months ago
Perma Death
9 months ago
Level Editor
9 months ago
